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Exectrace is a project mainly written in C and PYTHON, it's free.

A kernel module for FreeBSD to generate log messages when something is exeve'd


This is a kernel module for FreeBSD that will generate messages whenever any process forks, execves or exits. I originally wrote it to figure out how to speed up booting.

Log Format

The format of the log messages is: exectrace - [args]

Where [args] is only printed for execve calls and are seconds elapsed since boot. For example:

exectrace fork 4.814815017 27-25 exectrace execve 4.814974395 27-25 /sbin/sysctl -n vfs.nfs.diskless_valid exectrace exit 4.816830217 27-25

Tracing Boot

'make install' the module and to /boot/loader.conf add:

exectrace_load="YES" kern.msgbufsize=4194304

Parsing Logs

With the etparse.py script you can generate nicely formated output from exectrace logs. It will print a tree of processes. By default, it will read from stdin, so:

dmesg | ./etparse.py

may already do what you want. Alternatively, specify the file to read with -f, and you can force truncation of long lines with -t:

./etparse.py -f mylog -t 80

The output format is:

can have one of three values: - the time the process was alive - noexit (meaning the process didn't exit) - -0.0 (the process exited before it started, see below) Caveats / Bugs ============== - to ensure log messages are not garbled, Giant is hold for printf. (This behaviour can be disabled by defining __NO_LOCK at compile). - the time reported is not accurate. You may see adjacent fork, execve, exit calls, even in that order but the time stamp on the exit call is smaller then the one on fork, execve or both.