Home > Kindle-Guardian-Downloader


Kindle-Guardian-Downloader is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Downloads the electronic version of The Guardian newspaper and emails it to a Kindle

A simple Groovy script to download today's edition of The Guardian (or Observer on Sunday) and attach it to an email sent to your Kindle.

This uses the electroninc version of the newspaper kindly provided by Mark Longair, http://mythic-beasts.com/~mark/random/guardian-for-kindle/

Requires version of groovy 1.7 or above - this is available in the repositories on Ubuntu 11.04 and Arch Linux, or can be manually download from http://groovy.codehaus.org

The script has a few settings near the top to be filled in, replace XXXX with your own details and remember to register the 'from' email address on the Amazon website.

After giving the script execute permissions it can be run as a normal shell script: ./KindleGuardian.groovy

or add it to your crontab for daily delivery: crontab -e

then add an entry like this to run it at 7:30am every day: 30 07 * /home/username/stuff/KindleGuardian.groovy >/dev/null 2>&1
