Home > kinect-hs


Kinect-hs is a project mainly written in Haskell, it's free.

Haskell bindings for the Kinect.

Haskell bindings for the OpenKinect freenect library.

To compile the bindings, move to the src directory and run:

ghc --make -c Device/Kinect.hs

If you want to run one of the examples, compile and link it with GHC thusly:

ghc --make -threaded Example.hs /usr/local/lib/libfreenect.dylib

Make sure to adjust the name of the file and the path to wherever your copy of the libfreenect library file is.

Note that if you're on Snow Leopard, the freenect library will build for x86_64, which the default Haskell Platform won't support. You'll need to install the optional x86_64 version of the Haskell Platform in order to compile the bindings, or reinstall libfreenect for i386.
