Home > Kinect-Superman


Kinect-Superman is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A Unity3D game where you control a player via Kinect tracking and Vuzix iWear glasses that provide stereovision and track head motion

Unity Wrapper v1.0 Alpha

Release Notes:

To use this wrapper simply run Unity 3 Free/Pro edition and load the project from the "UnitySampleProject" directory. Afterwards click on the "Play" button to start the sample soldier project. (If you see a blank screen, click on the "WalkRunIdleBlend" script from the "Project" tab under the "Soldier Blend Advanced" section.

Please note that the main DLL code for the interface is in "UnityInterfaceUnityInterface.cpp " and the Unity NITE wrapper is in "UnitySampleProjectAssetsNite.cs".

Don't forget to start with the calibration pose!

Build Notes (for Win32):

Requirements: 1) Unity Engine 3.1 (http://unity3d.com/unity/download/) Direct link: http://download.unity3d.com/download_unity/UnitySetup-3.1.0.exe
2) OpenNI (www.openni.org) 3) Sensor device module for OpenNI (www.openni.org) 4) NITE modules for OpenNI (www.openni.org)

Note: Both the PRO and Free editions are fully supported!

Building UnityInterface: 1) Open the "UnityInterface.sln" solution file in Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 and rebuild the project. The DLL file will be created inside the "Bin" directory.
