Home > kiten-plus


Kiten-plus is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

offline Japanese/Kanji dictionary, similar to Kiten, inspired by jisho.org


Kiten+ is a Japanese dictionary, based on kanjidic2 and edict. It's inspired by both Kiten from the KDE project and jisho.org.


The kanjidic2 xml file is needed (or any xml kanji dictionary following the same schema). kanjidic2.xml can be placed in ~/.kiten+/ or in the same folder as kiten+ itself (for portable mode).

Paste Japanese text in the search bar to get the details of each kanji. Browse your search history by pressing down arrow in the search bar. Use the technical autocompletion by pressing up arrow in the search bar. The technical autocompletion allows you to search using theses keywords: ucs= look up a kanji by its unicode value (hexadecimal) jis208= look up a kanji by its JIS208 value jis212= look up a kanji by its JIS212 value jis213= look up a kanji by its JIS213 value grade= find all kanji of this grade (official Japanese school system grade, 1-6 are real grade, 8 means the kanji is part of the kanji taught in junior high school, 9-10 indicates a kanji used in names) jlpt= find all kanji of this Japanese Language Proficiency Test level (1-4) strokes[=><]find all kanji with (at least/at most/exactly) this stroke count Search results can be combined using searches separator: '&' for intersecting the search results, ',' for uniting them (both are left associative operators). e.g. strokes>12;grade=6&jlpt=1 will return kanji of the 1st JLPT level, and of the 6th grade or with more then 12 strokes.

Navigate between next and previous searches by clicking on the left hand top corner arrows or pressing ALT+[left arrow|right arrow]. Click on a kanji variants to display them fully.


Qt 4 SDK required. JapaneseDB required (https://[email protected]/makemeunsee/JapaneseDB.git). Usual qmake and make...


Licensed under the GPL license version 2 or later.