Home > Kiwilight-Index


Kiwilight-Index is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

This package uses the Tango icon set supplemented with the GNOME icon set to render the directory index in the Apache HTTPd. It coerces the output to a nicer format by aligning and sizing each field appropriately and by parsing the Last Modified field to re-render it in a more natural format. It uses an HTML header to load a CSS stylesheet and a Javascript file that performs the necessary modifications on the document. Because vanilla Javascript is worthless the Prototype Javascript framework is also included.

If in a directory index there is a file README then it will be displayed in an HTML

 block between the index table and the server address. The file
is fetched using AJAX

Installation Instruction:

  1. Place the content of this directory into the directory '/opt/kiwiindex'

  2. Include this line in your main httpd configuration:

    Include /opt/kiwiindex/index.conf

  3. Ensure that mod_autoindex is loaded in your httpd configuration.

  4. Ensure that your access policy allows httpd to access /opt/kiwiindex
