Home > Knock-Down-Bottles


Knock-Down-Bottles is a project mainly written in C++, it's free.

Just playing around with OSG and Bullet to make a nice physics demo

This is just a template example of how to use GLUT and Juggler together. All the example does right now is just fade in some lights to a blue clear color, nothing fancy.

You need to have a few dependencies built on both sides to run this template. On OS X, you will have to have OSG built and installed in /Library/Frameworks. You will also have to have gmtl built and installed in /opt/local/include/gmtl-0.5.4.

As for the Linux Juggler side, you will have to set a few environment variables in your .cshrc file including:

setenv OSG_HOME /home/users/cnoon15/Libraries/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 setenv VJ_BASE_DIR /home/users/cnoon15/Libraries/vrjuggler-2.3.16 setenv FLAGPOLL_PATH /home/users/cnoon15/Libraries/vrjuggler-2.3.16/lib64/flagpoll setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${VJ_BASE_DIR}/lib64:${OSG_HOME}/lib64

If you have any problems or questions ask Christian, Brandon, or Ken as they use this method of development for most all Juggler applications.


  • Christian