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Kohana-appsmarty is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Smarty Template Engine module for Kohana 3 PHP Framework

Smarty Template Engine for Kohana 3 PHP Framework

If you've worked with smarty in a pure php, you will appreciate the simplicity and naturalness of way of using module.


  1. Put the folder with the module in the modules directory.
  2. Add the path to the module into a Kohana::modules call in bootstrap.php: 'kohana-appsmarty' => MODPATH.'kohana-appsmarty',
  3. By default, I recommend to use folders APPPATH/templates for your templates and APPPATH/templates_c for compiled templates. If you are going to follow this advice, create the appropriate folders in APPPATH (templates_c should be writable). If not, create a file APPPATH/config/smarty.php and configure pathes the way you want.


The main beauty of the module - an extensible controller Controller_Smarty. Just inherit your controllers from it and use an internal variable $this->tp:

<?php class Controller_Welcome extends Controller_Smarty { public function action_index() { $tp = $this->tp; // shorthand

    $tp->assign('some', 'value');

} ?>

Module sets the autoloader, so you can call a Smarty anywhere in the application: <?php $smarty = new Smarty; //or SmartyBC ?>

Smarty object with a configured paths by configuration file: <?php $smarty = new AppSmarty; ?>


To update Smarty, download the latest distribution from smarty.net, unpack and copy the contents of the lib folder in the directory vendor/smarty-3.xx in APPPATH or module dir. Then adjust in the config option smarty_dir.
