Home > kohana-derivations


Kohana-derivations is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the View license.

Unlimited Extending of classes

Kohana - derivation

  • Version: 0.0.1

This module allows some kind of plugin system and unlimited amount of extending classes dynamically.

Normally in kohana you can extend classes by folders. This allows to extend Kohana_Response many times.

This is a very early version and and will be improved in the near future.


PHP 5.3


You need to add 2 modules to your Bootstrap. The first is a fake module to add some pathes for including cached proxy classes. The second is this module:

    'cached_classes' => APPPATH.'cache/classes/',           
    'derivation' => MODPATH.'derivation',

After adding the modules Derivation you have to call:


in the Bootstrap.


You can overwrite nearly every class which gehts normal included by the autoloader.

Derivation::add_derivation('Kohana_A', 'A', 'B');

Kohana_A: is the base class to extend. A: is the class which should come out at the end B: is the class which should extend the base class.

You should add your derivations in the init files of your modules.

You can setup an example:

Derivation::add_derivation('Kohana_A', 'A', 'B');

Adding that before the create_derivations() call and creating the class maybe in the controller:

$test = new A();

Should print out some stuff.

After that look at your APPATH.'cache/classes/classes' folder. There you'll find a a.php

With this content:

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');    

class B extends Kohana_A {
    public function test() {


class A extends B {}


  • Cache time put into variable
  • Code Formatting
  • adding more comments