Home > kohana-search


Kohana-search is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Search module for Kohana 3.x

What is Kohana Search?

Kohana Search is a port of the kosearch Search module for Kohana 3.x. It is an implementation of Zend (Lucene) Search, a file-based search/index solution, that provides a simple way to index and search Models.

Getting things up and running

  1. Add the Search module to the modules folder.
  2. Enable the search module in bootstrap file.
  3. Add Zend Search to your vendor folder. Only the Search, Loader and Exception classes are required by this module.
  4. Add the StandardAnalyzer library to your vendor folder, if you want word stemming.
  5. Create a "searchindex" folder in your application directory to hold the search indexes.

Your folder structure should look like this:

application / searchindex
application / vendor / StandardAnalyzer
application / vendor / Zend / Exception.php
application / vendor / Zend / Loader
application / vendor / Zend / Loader.php
application / vendor / Zend / Search


Example ORM model

class Model_Product extends ORM_Searchable {

     * Define the fields to index
    public function get_indexable_fields()
        $fields = array();

        // Store the product id but don't index it
        $fields[] = new Search_Field('id', Searchable::UNINDEXED);

        // Index the product name
        $fields[] = new Search_Field('name', Searchable::TEXT);

        // Index but don't store the product description
        $fields[] = new Search_Field('description', Searchable::UNSTORED, Searchable::DECODE_HTML);

        return $fields;


Example Controller

class Controller_Product extends Controller {

    public function action_create()
        $this->template->title = 'New Product';
        $this->template->content = View::factory('product/create')
            ->bind('product', $product)
            ->bind('errors', $errors);

        $product = ORM::factory('product');

        if ($_POST)

            if ($product->check())

                $errors = $product->validate()->errors('product/create');

    public function action_edit()
        $this->template->title = 'Edit Product';
        $this->template->content = View::factory('product/edit')
            ->bind('product', $product)
            ->bind('errors', $errors);

        $id = (int) $this->request->param('id');
        $product = ORM::factory('product', $id);

        if ($_POST)

            if ($product->check())

                $errors = $product->validate()->errors('product/create');

    public function action_delete()
        $this->template->title = 'Delete Product';
        $this->template->content = View::factory('product/delete');

        $id = (int) $this->request->param('id');
        $product = ORM::factory('product', $id);

        if ($_POST)

    public function action_search()
        $query = Arr::get($_GET, 'query');
        $this->template->title = 'Search results for: ''.urldecode($query).''';
        $this->template->content = View::factory('search/results')
            ->set('query', $query)
            ->bind('results', $results);

        $results = Search::instance()->find($query);

    public function action_build_index()
        $products = ORM::factory('product')->find_all();



Creating/Re-Building an index

// Get a collection of indexable models
$products = ORM::factory('product')->find_all();

Add a model to the index

// Add a single model to the index
$product = ORM::factory('product', 1);

Update a model in the index

// Update a single model in the index
$product = ORM::factory('product', 1);

Removing a model from the index

// Remove a single model from the index
$product = ORM::factory('product', 1);

Searching the index

$query = arr::get($_GET, 'q');
$hits = Search::instance()->find($query);

Adnvanced searching of the index


$query = arr::get($_GET, 'q');
$query = Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse($query);

$hits = Search::instance()->find($query);