Home > Konstructor


Konstructor is a project mainly written in Objective-C, it's free.

Easy TableViews for iOS


Creating TableViews in iOS is a pain. It requires jumping to many different methods for the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols. Maintaining and updating them is frustrating and trying to grok how a tableview is architected takes more time than it should.

With Konstructor, all the logic for building a table view is centralized in one place with a declarative and human readable syntax.


  • Requires iOS 4.0 or higher (for block syntax)


Drag these files into your project:

  • KonstructorTableViewController
  • TableRowBuilder
  • KonstructorTableViewCell.xib // Optional. You can pass in your own nib if you wish


  1. Subclass KonstructorTableViewController

  2. Configure subclass. Either programatically or using a nib, make sure it has a table view with the delegate and data source wired up properly.

  3. Customize your table height and cell nib.

self.tableCellHeight = 100.0; // set the height for each cell

self.customCellNibName = @"YourNibName"; // will default to KonstructorTableViewCell

  1. Add Cells:

There are two ways to do this:

You can use an array to build your table against. Here is a mock array to demonstrate this:

/* Creating a mock array.  You will likely do this completely differently */
NSDictionary *hat = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Gloves", @"name", @"for your hands", @"caption", nil];
NSDictionary *muffs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Muffs", @"name", @"for your ears", @"caption", nil];
NSDictionary *shoes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Socks", @"name", @"for your feets", @"caption", nil];
NSDictionary *scarves = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Scarves", @"name", @"for your neck", @"caption", nil];
NSArray *items = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:hat, muffs, shoes, scarves, nil];

Any object works fine because you get the object back in the block. Here is where Konstructor comes in.

Use addRowsFromArray:withBuilder: to build the whole table in one go:

/* Build a Table from your array */
[self addRowsFromArray:items withBuilder:^(id item, TableRowBuilder *builder){
    /* Cast your objects appropriately. */
    NSDictionary *current = (NSDictionary *)item;

    builder.title = [current objectForKey:@"title"];
    builder.caption = [current objectForKey:@"caption"];
    builder.iconName = @"comment_minus_48.png";
    builder.selectedIconName = @"comment_plus_48.png";
    builder.selector = @selector(toggle:);

This will give you a view that looks like this:

You can also add cells one by one. This is ideal for settings or configuration views:

- (void)viewDidLoad{
    self.tableCellHeight = 100.0;
    self.customCellNibName = @"YourNibName"; // will default to KonstructorTableViewCell

    [self addRow:^(TableRowBuilder *builder){
        builder.title = @"Socks";
        builder.caption = @"The things that go on your feet";
        builder.iconName = @"comment_minus_48.png";
        builder.selectedIconName = @"comment_plus_48.png";
        builder.selector = @selector(toggle:);

    [self addRow:^(TableRowBuilder *builder){
        builder.title = @"Muffs";
        builder.caption = @"Ear warmers or a punk band...";
        builder.iconName = @"comment_minus_48.png";
        builder.selectedIconName = @"comment_plus_48.png";
        builder.selector = @selector(toggle:);

    [self addRow:^(TableRowBuilder *builder){
        builder.title = @"Shoes";
        builder.caption = @"How many pairs do you own?";
        builder.iconName = @"comment_minus_48.png";
        builder.selectedIconName = @"comment_plus_48.png";
        builder.selector = @selector(toggle:);
    // note that [super viewDidLoad] must be called after you add your rows
    // Otherwise use [tableView reloadData] to generate your rows
    [super viewDidLoad]; 

If you need full control over the customization of the cell, use the configurationBlock property of TableRowBuilder:

/* Build a Table from an Array and fully customize the cell */
[self addRowsFromArray:items withBuilder:^(id item, TableRowBuilder *builder){
    NSDictionary *current = (NSDictionary *)item;

    /* Fully customize the cell */
    builder.configurationBlock = ^(UITableViewCell *cell){
        UILabel *titleLabel = (UILabel *)[loadedCell viewWithTag:1];
        titleLabel.text = [current objectForKey:@"name"];

        UILabel *captionLabel = (UILabel *)[loadedCell viewWithTag:builder.captionTag];
        captionLabel.text = [current objectForKey:@"caption"];

        UIImageView *imageView = (UIImageView *)[loadedCell viewWithTag:builder.iconTag];
        imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:builder.selected ? @"comment_plus_48.png" : @"comment_minus_48.png"];

Drill-Down from one controller to another with the drillDownBlock:

builder.drillDownBlock = ^{
    MyDetailViewController *controller = [[MyDetailViewController alloc] initWithItem:[current objectForKey:@"name"]];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];

There you have it. With Konstructor, it's faster to build, quicker to grok and easier to maintain table views.


Follow me on twitter @frivolousjosh
