Home > Kostalk


Kostalk is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Kohana 3.2 Module for beanstalk


A Kohana 3.2 module to make it easy to use beanstalkd, it uses Pheanstalk, a comprehensive lib already written in PHP

Install Beanstalk

sudo apt-get install beanstalkd

Some Code

// Add something to a queue
$queue = Kostalk::instance('name_of_tube');
    'this' => 'is',
    'some' => 'data',

// Pull something from the queue, first callback param
// is the data in the job, the class uses JSON to encode
// and decode the data, this is all done for you. The second
// param is the job object from Pheanstalk

$queue = Kostalk::instance('name_of_tube')->pull(function($data, $job){
    print_r($data); // array('this' => 'is', 'some' => 'data');