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KQTest is a project mainly written in PYTHON and C, it's free.

python based test harness for ZFS

This is the python test harness for ZFS

you need to use python 2.7.1 or higher. The source code of pythone-2.7.1 is included here.

It is recomended you configure python as

./configure --prefix=/opt/python-2.7.1

And then do the remaining make steps.

To run KQI zfs test harness, first you need to confiure test harness. Confiuration file is located at $ZFS_TH_HOME/ZFS.TH.CONFIG . Be careful while setting configuration data, wrong configuration might crash your system or loose your data.

Do not use '#' char in configuration parameter in ZFS.TH.CONFIG, otherwise it will be considered as commnet.

In able to run code you must have installed ksh on your machine.