Home > labolatory-scheduling-management-system


Labolatory-scheduling-management-system is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the View license.

Laboratory Schedule Management System (which will from hereby be referenced as LSMS) is an important aspect in laboratory management and organization in general. LSMS manages the access to the laboratory room and resources inside. It keeps tracks of who is in the laboratory, for what period of time and all records of repair and maintenance. It is a simplified way of controlling usage and monitoring access of authorized and all intruder’s that might attempt to use the laboratory.


Please make sure the release file is unpacked under a Web-accessible directory. You shall see the following files and directories:

  assets/               files 
  css/                  style sheets files
  images/               image directory
  proteted/         protected contents of projets
  themes/               Theme for interface
  CHANGELOG             describing changes in every Lsms release
  LICENSE               license of LSMS
  README                this file
  UPGRADE               Rupgrading instructions


The minimum requirement by Lsms is that your Web server supports PHP 5.1.0 or above. Lsms has been tested with Apache HTTP server on Windows and Linux operating systems.

Please access the following URL to check if your Web server reaches the requirements by Lsms, assuming "Lsms Path" is where Lsms is installed:



You can access it with the following URL:



Please visit the project website for tutorials, class reference and join discussions with other lsms developers at http://groups.google.com/group/labolatory-scheduling-management-system

The LSMS Developer Team UDSM-SICT Tanzania
