Home > Django-Currencies


Django-Currencies is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Languagelab's fork of Django-currencies for better integration


django-currencies allows you to define different currencies, and includes template tags/filters to allow easy conversion between them. Usage

Once you have everything set up (read the included INSTALL.txt and docs/), you will be able to use the following code in your templates::

{% change_currency [price] [currency_code] %}


{% change_currency product.price "USD" %}

or if we have the currencies.context_processors.currencies


{% change_currency product.price CURRENCY.code %}

or use the filter::

{{ [price]|currency:[currency] }}


{{ product.price|currency:"USD" }}

or set the CURRENCY context variable with a POST to the included view::

{% url currencies_set_currency [currency] %}

Source Code

The source is kept under bazaar revision at https://launchpad.net/django-currencies

You can get it by branching or checking it out::

bzr branch lp:~panosl/django-currencies/trunk

# or

bzr co lp:~panosl/django-currencies/trunk 


You can browse it online here: http://packages.python.org/django-currencies/

Running Tests

I'm using nose along with nosedjango

The settings.py is inside the tests/ directory, so you'll need to cd to it, and::

nosetests -v --with-django