Home > lascars_voice


Lascars_voice is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and COFFEESCRIPT, it's free.

les voix des lascars pour votre karotz

                    _           _    ________________
                   / \         / \  /                \
                   \  \       /  / |  www.karotz.com  |
                    \  \     /  /   \____  __________/
            _  __    \  \___/  /    _    /_/        
           | |/ /    /         \   | |       
           | ' /  __|_  O __O __|  | |_  ____
           |  <  / _` || '__|/ _ \ | __||_  /
           | . \| (_| || |  | (_) || |_  / / 
           |_|\_\\__,_||_|   \___/  \__|/___|

Challenge your knowledge with this french Karotz Kuizz

In order to package your app juste run: zip lascars_voice *

and upload the "lascars_voice.zip" to the karotzLab

You can include tts2.js in your project.