Home > lasso-example


Lasso-example is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

An example application using the lasso gem


h1. Lasso

h2. Identity herding with OAuth

Lasso makes it damn easy to add SSO to your Rails application. Just load in your configuration, add a couple associations, and you are set to hit the trail running, partner.

This is an example Rails application demonstrating use of "Lasso":http://github.com/jamesdaniels/lasso and "Authlogic":http://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic, which allows registration and identity claiming via OAuth.

"You can find more information on the Lasso gem here.":http://github.com/jamesdaniels/lasso

h2. Getting started

  rake gems:install
  rake db:setup