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Air is a project mainly written in PYTHON and RUBY, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

AMQP Interoperable RPC

AIR is AMQP Interoperable RPC

When using AMQP to handle the majority of inter-system comms it is sometimes useful to allow point-2-point RPC-like calls.

AIR provides a simple framework that allows request/response messages to be sent via AMQP.

At the AMQP level services are addressed using a pre-shared routing key (which may be shared) and replies are sent to an ad-hoc UUID using the standard AMQP reply-to header.

AIR uses json to encode args in the RPC call/response.

The AIR calling wrapper contains a message ID, parameters and a deadline.

The AIR response wrapper contains a message ID and the response.


rabbitmqctl add_vhost AIR rabbitmqctl add_user air air rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p AIR air '.' '.' '.*'

Ideas / ToDo

[ ] Consider a broadcast message asking about available services.
