Home > lcug-bomberman


Lcug-bomberman is a project mainly written in Clojure, it's free.

A tournament system for Bomberman AI bots


A (to be) tournament system for Bomberman AI bots. A server accepts 4 bots connected over the network, then allowes them to battle to the death! Scores will be keept so you can know which bot is the best.


A Game can be setup via the run-game [lvl] method in the se.lcug.bomberman.server namespace. Feed it a map from the world namespace. For example: (run-game [lvl-3]) Be sure to catch the returned atom so you can shut down the server socket gracefully.

Connect clients to the server on the specified port. A detailed documentation of the protocol will be made when we have finalized it. In short however, you can send text commands to manipulate the controller, pretty much just as you play normal bomberman on a console as a human being.


Copyright (C) 2011 Linköping Clojure User Group

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
