Home > ldap-opennms-user-sync


Ldap-opennms-user-sync is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Python script to synchronize LDAP/AD user objects into the users.xml file used by OpenNMS

See http://marc.info/?l=opennms-discuss&m=130513573616502&w=2 for the background.

OpenNMS supports authentication via LDAP, but does not synchronize user accounts. As a result you can't send notifications to LDAP users.

The script translates LDAP user accounts into an entry in OpenNMS' users.xml file, which specifies local user accounts. By shadowing LDAP accounts into local accounts, you create a user entity to which notifications can be sent.

The script will connect to LDAP and pull down all the users in the base DN, optionally requiring group membership as well. It generates an XML tree for that user, substitutes the placeholders in the template (see the config section) with the corresponding field from LDAP and inserts that tree into the main file.

The passwords in the generated XML are impossible hashes, so the 'local' users can never log in. When the local user authentication fails, auth proceeds against LDAP. Notifications for a given username are seen regardless of which method is used to log in.

My LDAP server is actually AD, so the defaults are set up for that. I've used the 'read-only' attribute to mark user entries as sync'd with LDAP - any read-only users in the XML will be deleted and replaced every time the sync runs.

The dependencies are Python 2.5+ and BeautifulSoup.
