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Ldcreeper is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Linked Data crawler school project


LDCreeper is an easily extensible Linked Data crawler, built on top of Jena framework.

Source code available at: https://github.com/tchap/ldcrawler

Contact: ondra DOT cap AT gmail DOT com

This file contains a detailed explanation of how LDCreeper works. For license of this program and libraries coming with it, see the licenses directory.

LDCreepew crawling

URI pool - URIServer
Central part of LDCrawler is an URI pool, holding all the URIs found,
returning one at the time if requested by crawling threads.
URI pool is made persistent, if you define connection to PostgreSQL
database or TDB directory, that is. Otherwise just simple in-memory
URI pool is used. Defining PostgreSQL connection over TDB directory
is strongly recommended and has priority on the command line.

LDCreeper is in fact a thread pool, each thread executing an instance
of Pipeline for every URI received from the URI pool.
This Pipeline has 4 phrases, implemented by 4 distinct objects passed
to the constructor at the beginning of crawling. This allows for Pipeline
to be assembled according to the command line arguments and to be easily
extended. The only requrement is to implement particular interface.

  Phrase 1: ModelBuilder
  ModelBuilder gets an URI and is supposed to create Jena Model out of it
  or return null if it cannot be accomplished. Currently this is done
  purely by using Jena mechanisms. No embedded formats are thus supported.

  Phrase 2: URIExtractor
  New URIs are extracted from the Model and inserted into the URI pool.
  Multiple SPARQL SELECT queries can be inserted through CL arguments.
  They will be executed on the model and result URIs will be inserted
  into the URI pool. If no query is inserted, all URIs in the model
  are inserted into the URI pool. Examples of possible SPAQL queries
  can be found in the examples directory.

  Phrase 3: ModelMiner
  During this phrase there is chance to filter away triples you do not want
  to appear in the model being stored. Multiple SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries
  can be inserted and their union will be stored in the next phrase.
  If no query is inserted, the model is passed on as it is.
  Examples of possible SPARQL queries can be found in the examples

  Phrase 4: ModelStore
  All models reaching this phrase will be stored in a TDB directory
  defined on the command line. Just a short message is printed to the stdout
  if no TDB directory is specified.

Initialize URI pool
At the beginning the URI pool is initialized with single URIs passed as
command line arguments and/or by defining Sindice query, also through
CL arguments. All URIs collected are inserted into the URI pool before
the thread pool of crawlers is started.

Miner pool
When initial URIs are collected, all the miner threads are started,
each executing an instance of Pipeline for every URI received
from the URI pool until the pool is empty.

Joseki integration

Since LDCreeper is storing data in TDB directory, it is easy to integrate him with Joseki SPARQL endpoint and in general anything accepting Jena assembler to define datasets.