Home > Learn-Java


Learn-Java is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Project only for learning!

=================== Hello World ====================== This is my first Git Repository. Its only for educational purposes!

GL & HF.

====================================================== ================ External Libraries ==================

  1. Java 1.7 SE
  2. Apache commons lang 3

====================================================== ==================== How to install ==================

  1. Checkout master branch
  2. Import this module into IDEA
  3. Add external libraries
  4. Compile
  5. ????
  6. Profit!

====================================================== ==================== How to use ======================

  1. Create instance of a class Parser.
  2. Add rules (classes with implemented interface Rule) and add them to your Parser instance (add(..))
  3. Use method parse(..) to get String representation of the result