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Learn_three.js is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A repository of examples and explanations I come up with as I learn Three.js

Learn Three.js

This project is a tool to help me, and hopefully others, learn about Three.js

The documentation for Three.js is sparse, and you must learn from the examples. The examples however, are not comprehensively documented, so it can be difficult. My aim is to learn about Three.js using the official examples, and source code, and create 2 types of documentation, examples and articles.


I will be creating several example projects using Three.js. These examples are weitten in CoffeeScript, and are thoroughly documented.

The code is in /examples/src


Articles are documents that explaing techniques of common actions and patterns in Three.js. They will include code snippets, as well as explanations of the code to the best of my understanding.

About Me

I am Jim Hoskins, and I am a developer and teacher at Think Vitamin Membership. I am really interested in learning Three.js, but the lack of documentation and articles makes it a pretty large undertaking. I hope that this project serves as documentation for others wanting to learn.

I have a lot of experience with JavaScript and web development, but limited experience in 3D programming. In college, I worked on a game using the OGRE engine in C++, and I took one computer graphics course, in which I worked on a special project with my Professor using WebGL, instead of C/OpenGL. I have a very limited understanding of 3D/OpenGL, so if you are new to 3D, these resouces are written for you. I will not be explaing JavaScript or CoffeeScript however.


As stated before, I am a novice in terms of 3d and OpenGL/WebGL, and my explanations are only to the best of my understanding. If you find an error, or have a better explanation of a concept, please feel free to contribute.

You can reach me on Github at jimrhoskins or on twitter @jimrhoskins.


This project is primarily to help me learn Three.js, but hopefully they are of use to others. That said, I can't guarantee any support of the examples given in this repository. I spend a lot of my day teaching and supporting at Think Vitamin, so I don't have a lot of free time to answer questions, but I will try. The best way to ask a question is via Github Issues for this project, that way the answer can be shared publicly.