Home > LED-matrixes-controller-programmer


LED-matrixes-controller-programmer is a project mainly written in C++ and PROLOG, based on the View license.

GitHub/LED-matrixes-controller-programmer https://github.com/Bntdumas/LED-matrixes-controller-programmer

The computer part is able to simulate a led matrix (in 2 or 3 dimensions) and create some led scenarios. It can communicate with an arduino.

The arduino (+ schematics) part is the hardware used for my early tests.

More explanations to come.

Arduino project needs library cmdMessenger: http://arduino.cc/playground/Code/CmdMessenger

LibCommArduino Qt library need QExtSerialPort library: http://code.google.com/p/qextserialport/

Benoit Dumas [email protected]
