Home > lein-gwt


Lein-gwt is a project mainly written in Clojure, based on the MIT license.

A Leiningen plugin for the GWT compiler


A Leiningen plugin for running the Google Web Toolkit compiler.


Add a list of the GWT modules you want to compile to your project.clj:

 (defproject myproject "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
   :gwt-modules ["mypackage.MyGWTModule"])

Now you can run the GWT compiler by invoking lein gwt.

Passing arguments

To customize the compiler invocation, add a map :gwt-options to project.clj. See the GWT documentation for the options you can pass, e.g.:

(defproject myproject "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :gwt-modules ["mypackage.MyGWTModule"]
  :gwt-options {:localWorkers 2, :war "my/output/dir"})


Add the following entry to your :dev-dependencies:

 [lein-gwt "0.1.0"]

The plugin is on Clojars and Leiningen will grab it from there when you run lein deps.


Copyright (C) 2010 Tero Parviainen

Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE).
