Home > libfusioninventory-server-php


Libfusioninventory-server-php is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

FusionInventory Servr library (PHP)

+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FusionInventory Library Server provides a modular and efficient solution to complete GLPI or other third-party applications. The library process data from both OCS agents and Fusion agents. Users can easily retrieve data from these agents with the built-in hook system. Right now it provides an up-to-date inventory. Later, there will be other actions such as netdiscovery, snmpquery and wakeonlan.

WIKI: see http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-server-phplib/wiki

INSTALL: The library comes with 3 folders: "Classes/" "data/" "user/"

You need to give write permission to the apache process on the following folders : "/path/to/libfusinv-server/data/" "/path/to/libfusinv-server/user/"

Populate the IDs database /path/to/FusionLib/Classes/Storage/Inventory/SourceDataFilter/FilesToTreeFolder.php

Test your installation (see TESTS)

CONFIGURATION: see in "/path/to/libfusinv-server/user/configs.ini" file.

HOOKS (for inventory action): Create your own hooks according to your needs in "/path/to/libfusinv-server/user/applications//FusInvHooks.class.php" The structure of hooks is available in website sample in "/path/to/libfusinv-server/user/applications/MyWebSite/FusInvHooks.class.php"

That's it ! Your good to go.

ABOUT: The "Classes/" folder holds all the core components of FusionInventory Library Server. The "data/" folder is used to store the following informations :

  • informations about machine (used by the inventory action)
  • log file
  • DataFilters, to filter some data from agents in order to provide more valuable information. The "user/" folder holds all user-configurable files (config.ini, his application)

TESTS: To test the library:

  • execute library on CLI with the path of the file from "path/to/libfusinv-server/" to retrieve datas (you can specify an archive (zip only) for more files) "php path/to/libfusinv-server/user/main.php path/to/file/file.ocs" OR "php path/to/libfusinv-server/user/main.php path/to/file/lotOfFiles.zip"
  • Otherwise, specify URI Server to the agent: "./fusioninventory-agent --server path/to/libfusinv-server/user/main.php"

You can check the logs in "data/logs/fusioninventory.log". You can retrieve all information about the machine on an sample website: "/path/to/libfusinv-server/user/applications/MyWebSite".

