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Libtest is a project mainly written in Erlang, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

General Testing Tools for Erlang


I like writing tests but find it hard to write good concurrent tests. Tracking which Erlang processes have received which messages and in which order, swapping out generic OTP (gen_X) behaviours for stubs, the list goes on. And actually writing the assertions about these things is just as hard.

Libtest aims to simplify this stuff by providing

  1. a bunch of services for capturing inter-process messages and context
  2. support for stubbing out processes and OTP behaviours
  3. an API based on Quickcheck's state machine model (statem) and integrated with PropEr
  4. hamcrest matchers that make it simple to define your assertions

I'm also quite interested in McErlang integration, but that's probably quite a way off.

More documentation to follow. If you're brave enough to use (this is pre-alpha) then please submit bugs to the project issues page. Contributions welcome - you know what to do.


  • Documentation: http://wiki.github.com/hyperthunk/libtest
  • Issues/Bugs: http://github.com/hyperthunk/libtest/issues
  • Read-only downloadable documentation (git wiki access): git://github.com/hyperthunk/libtest.wiki.git