Home > LidaaSearchBundle


LidaaSearchBundle is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Zend_Search in Symfony2

Provides advance search capability to Symfony2 projects.


Requires Zend 2.x Zend/Search/Lucene You can get it here http://github.com/zendframework/zf2

Add SearchBundle to your application kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Lidaa\SearchBundle\LidaaSearchBundle(),
        // ...

Add the 'Lidaa' namespace to your autoloader:

// app/autoload.php
    'Lidaa' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',


Here is a yaml example

# Search Configuration
    analyzer: Zend\Search\Lucene\Analysis\Analyzer\Common\Text\CaseInsensitive
    path:     %kernel.root_dir%/cache/%kernel.environment%/lucene/index
    doc_type: DOC # { DOC, HTML, PPT, DOCX, ...}


To add to the search:

$lucene_search = $this->get('lucene.search');
$index = $lucene_search->getIndex();
$articlesData =  array 
        0 => array( 
        "url"  => "http://ganeshhs.com/url-1",
        "title"      => "Google suggest : pick right search keyword",
        "contents"   => "Picking the right keywords for the websites is the success of search engine marketing ...",
        "category"       => "Google",
        "postedDateTime" => "2007-12-26 12:20:00",  
        "articleId"                  => 1),  

        1 => array( 
        "url"           => "http://ganeshhs.com/url-2",
        "title"      => "zend framework tutorial | part 9 Zend Auth",
        "contents"   => "Zend Auth is easy to set up and provides a system that secures our site with an ...",
        "category"       => "zend-framework",   
        "postedDateTime" => "2007-12-26 12:20:00",  
        "articleId"      => 2)
foreach($articlesData as $articleData)
    $doc = $lucene_search->getDocument();  

    $doc->addField($lucene_search->getField('Keyword', array('url',  $articleData["url"])));
    $doc->addField($lucene_search->getField('UnIndexed', array('articleId',  $articleData["articleId"])));
    $doc->addField($lucene_search->getField('UnIndexed', array('postedDateTime',  $articleData["postedDateTime"])));
    $doc->addField($lucene_search->getField('Text', array('title',  $articleData["title"])));
    $doc->addField($lucene_search->getField('UnStored', array('contents',  $articleData["contents"])));
    $doc->addField($lucene_search->getField('Text', array('category',  $articleData["category"]))); 

To retrieve a query:

$query = 'zend';
$results = $index->find($query);
    echo 'empty';
    foreach($results as $result){
        echo $result->url;

See the Zend documentation for more information.


- Incorporate the possibility of changing the type of document
- Activate the "analyzer"