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Limeberry is a project mainly written in C and RUBY, based on the MIT license.

Advanced WebDAV server (Rails 1.2)

LimeBerry is a prototype of an advanced WebDAV server written in Ruby on Rails. LimeBerry currently implements the WebDAV and Access Control RFCs, as well as the BIND draft. Support for the DeltaV and Quota & Size RFCs is currently incomplete.

At this time, LimeBerry is almost 4 years old and is experiencing major code rot. LimeBerry once worked with Rails 1.2. Some work would need to be done to get it to work with the latest Rails and gems.

General Software Requirements: xdelta, mysql server & client

Gem Requirements: mysql, rake, shared-mime-info, uuidtools

Gem Conflicts: httpauth


  1. Install the following software:
    • xdelta library
    • MySQL server & client
    • Ruby
    • Ruby Gems
  2. Install required gems: gem install mysql rake shared-mime-info uuidtools mongrel
  3. We use our own modified httpauth library. Make sure the httpauth gem is not installed: gem uninstall httpauth
  4. You will need two to three databases - one development, one test, and a production database if desired. For each database, you will need to set four environment variables:
    3. LIMEBERRY_DEV_PASS, LIMEBERRY_TEST_PASS, or LIMEBERRY_PROD_PASS: password for the database user
    4. LIMEBERRY_DEV_HOST, LIMEBERRY_TEST_HOST, or LIMEBERRY_PROD_HOST: hostname of the database server
  5. Check out the LimeBerry code: git clone git://github.com/tolsen/limeberry
  6. Change to the limeberry directory: cd limeberry
  7. Drop and recreate the database tables: rake db:reset
  8. Run the tests: rake
  9. Start mongrel (defaults to port 3000): mongrel_rails start

Adding Users

$ ./script/console Loading development environment.

User.make :name => 'tim', :password => 'swordfish' => #<User id: 17, uuid: "720f0069ea314cddb913b72b74c653fb", created_at: "2007-10-05 20:53:38", displayname: "", comment: "", type: "User", owner_id: 17, creator_id: 1, lock_version: 1> exit $

Sample Session with Cadaver

$ cadaver http://localhost:3000/home/tim Authentication required for [email protected] on server localhost': Username: tim Password: dav:/home/tim/> ls Listing collection/home/tim/': collection is empty. dav:/home/tim/> put timmay.gif Uploading timmay.gif to /home/tim/timmay.gif': Progress: [=============================>] 100.0% of 1 bytes succeeded. dav:/home/tim/> ls Listing collection/home/tim/': succeeded. timmay.gif 5794 Oct 5 16:55 dav:/home/tim/> exit Connection to `localhost' closed.

Lime Berry is the result of the hard work of many contributors. Contributors include:

Pawan Agarwal Sugam Agarwal Ritesh Arora Ryan Davis Eric Hodel Amy Hoy Pranay Jain Sriram Malladi Sharad Maloo Michael Nutt Tim Olsen Chetan Reddy Umang Sharan Paritosh Shah Shubham Singal Gyanit Singh Nitin Sivakrishnan Christine Yen David Yeu
