Home > line_numbers


Line_numbers is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Find the line numbers where methods are defined in Ruby

Mucking about trying to use ruby_parser to find what methods are defined on what line. Will become a gem once I get it working.

Read the specs to see how it works in detail but here's a quick example:

File foo.rb

class Foo # Line 1

Line 2

def self.awesome 1 + 1 end

def what 12 # Line 8 end end

In same Dir as foo.rb:

ln = LineNumbers.new(File.expand_path(File.dirname(FILE) + "/foo.rb"))

ln.in_method?(2) #=>false ln.in_method?(8) #=> true

ln.method_at_line(8) #=> "Foo#what" ln.method_at_line(3) #=> "Foo::awesome"

Ultimately I'm planning on using this in metric_fu to connect Rcov output with the other metrics' output so I can combine metrics.
