Home > lingo.vim--Cataldo


Lingo.vim--Cataldo is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Syntax highlighting for LINGO (Linear, INteractive and General Optimizer)

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1122

A syntax highlighting file for LINGO (Linear, INteractive and General Optimizer).

LINGO is a language and tool for modelling and solving optimization problems (http://www.lindo.com/cgi/frameset.cgi?leftlingo.html;lingof.html).

This syntax is NOT related to Macromedia Director Lingo scripting language. If you came here by mistake, please browse vimscript #503, vimscript #1010 or vimscript #1012.

Please e-mail comments and suggestions with subject "vim".
