Home > linkify_errors


Linkify_errors is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.


== LinkifyErrors

LinkifyErrors is a really ugly hack to turn your in-browser Rails backtraces into clickable links that open in your editor. Each line is turned into a link that, when clicked, opens your editor to that file and line immediately.

The {14 second video demo}[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5Q_bK9x7U0] does a better job explaining than this README.

== Requirements

  1. Rails 3.1

  2. OS X

== Installation

  1. Add the linkify_errors gem to your Rails 3.1 Gemfile

    gem "linkify_errors"

  2. Download the {helper application}[https://github.com/downloads/burke/linkify_errors/EditFile.dmg] and install it.

  3. Download {More Internet}[http://www.monkeyfood.com/software/moreInternet/] and install it. Open the PrefPane, and create a new protocol called "editfile". Drag your new "EditFile" application onto the box to choose it as the helper for this new editfile protocol.

  4. The application is set up by default to use emacsclient. You can edit "/Applications/EditFile.app/editfile" to change this. It's a shell script that gets called with "123@/Users/name/path/to/file". Do whatever you want within. The example below might work for textmate

    $(echo $1 | sed 's/^([0-9])\@(.)$/mate -l\1 \2/')

  5. Bask in the glory of hyperlinked backtraces.

== Is this secure?

No. Don't use it. A puppy will die.
