Home > lisp-jabber


Lisp-jabber is a project mainly written in Common Lisp, it's free.

Jabber library in Common Lisp

-- mode: outline; --

  • Dependencies and installation

See the INSTALL file.

  • Usage

There is no real documentation written yet, so ask questions, read the code. The following should hopefully get you started, though.

** Creating a connection instance

You create a client instance like this: (setf con (make-instance jabber:client :router-host "example.com" :router-port 5222 :username "foo" :server "example.com" :password "secret"))

Note the difference between router-host and server. router-host is the physical hostname or IP address to connect to, while server is the domain part of the JID. These are usually the same.

Or if you want a component: (setf con (make-instance jabber:component :router-host "localhost" :router-port 5347 :jid "mycomponent.example.com" :secret "secret"))

This example is appropriate for a jabberd2 server running on the same computer as the component.

The client and component classes differ only in how they authenticate with the server.

** Connecting

(jabber:connect con)

This will open a network connection to the server, send the start tag, and do those parts of authentication that do not require waiting for the server to answer.

** Handling incoming data

(jabber:read-and-act con :block t) will wait for an incoming stanza and process it. Setting block to nil makes the function return immediately if there is no waiting data.

Thus, a simple event loop: (loop (jabber:read-and-act con :block t))

A slightly more complex example: (loop do (jabber:read-and-act con :block t) until (jabber:connection-authenticated-p con)) ;; do something (loop do (jabber:read-and-act con :block t) until (done-p))

  • Contact

You can reach the primary author, Magnus Henoch, by e-mail, [email protected], or by Jabber, [email protected].

There may be some information at http://stor.no-ip.org/drupal/ .

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