Home > lite-beer


Lite-beer is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

arduino powered beverage lifter

Lite Beer

An automated beverage lifter built with blood, sweat and, arduino.


Original design at the first annual baltimore hackathon.

The system consists of a drinking cup attached to a metal arm which is then connected to servos and then attached to the armrest of a chair. With a button press, the system will rotate the metal arm to be in front of the user with one servo, and then will raise the cup with two other stronger servos. With another button the arm returns to its resting position.

The settings for the arm are programmable and persist through power loss. Another button enters training mode, which steps through programming all settings. A LED light indicates what is being programmed, and a three-pole switch is used to turn that specific motor (or motors) each direction to adjust the arm in that axis.