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Littlescript is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and COFFEESCRIPT, it's free.

A programming language to code on your mobile phone. Based off GOTOs and Global Variables

see a live demo at http://littlescript.the.tl

Hello World

log "hello world"
name = "Drew"
log "hello #{name}"

variable assignment

my_number = 1
person = {}
arr = []
other_arr = arr
name = "Drew"


name = "Drew"
funny_str = string this goes to the end of the line
multi = "
  strings can be mulit line.. watch out for extra spacing though

var = "variables"
stuff = {}
stuff.language = "LittleScript"
interp = "you can even interoplate #{var} in #{stuff.language}"

objects and arrays

person = {}
person.name = "Drew LeSueur"
prop = "height"
# double dot is like []
person..prop = "5'8"
# similar to person[prop] = "5'8"

awards = []
awards.0 = "my first award"
awards.1 = []
awards.1.0 = "second award a"
awards.1.1 = "scond award b"


x = 1
if x is 1
  s = string yes, x is 1
  log s

y = 0
if y
  log string y is truthy
  log string y is falsy


def call_me
  string 480-840-5406

phone = call_me !

log phone

def hello name
  log name

my_name = string Drew LeSueur
hello my_name

def test_args
  log args.0
  log args.1

test_args 1 3 6


Use the scope variable scope.so is the return value

def concat
  ` scope.so = scope.args.join("")

s = string My name is
name = string Drew LeSuuer

sentence = concat s name
log sentence

goto, label, ifgoto, and exit

If you want to instead of functions

x = 1
ifgoto x xgood
goto xnotgood

label xgood
log "x_is_truthy"
goto quit

label xnotgood
log "x_is_falsy"
goto quit

label quit
#exit exits the program


#comments are made with the # character
# setting x to "wowser"
x = string wowser


  1. Add for in loops and for of loops

  2. Add elseifs.

  3. For expressiveness, consider adding the following global handlers

    • onBeforeSetVariable to be called before a variable is set. You can override what happens
    • onSetVariable to be called when a variable has been set
    • onBeforeGetVariable to be called before a variable is gotten. You can override what happens
    • onGetVariable to be called after a variable is gotten
    • a set! function that sets a variable with no trigger
    • a get! function that gets a variable with no trigger
    • (even a onBeforeExecuteLine ... is that getting too meta?)
  4. Write a compiler for other languages, Ruby, PHP, PHP 4, Bash, C, VB, C#, Java

  5. Standard library

  6. Possibly parens for nesting

  7. Reevaluate what should go in the first pass, and what should go in the second pass

  8. Possibly rewrite code for function calls instead of having it handled thru straight js

  9. Right now functions are just integers. Allow an optional [int, my_scope] array for functions

  10. Think about expressiveness and get, meta_get; set, meta_set; call, meta_call

  11. Be cautious about adding too much