Home > Live-Question


Live-Question is a project mainly written in RUBY and COFFEESCRIPT, it's free.

Back Channel Application to overcome Live Question app limitations

Usage: Admin username: [email protected] Admin password : qwerty

  1. Please navigate inside the 'project' folder.

  2. Run the following commands:

    For running in production environment:

    1. bundle install.
    2. bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
    3. bundle exec rake db:populateprod RAILS_ENV="production"
    4. rails s -e production

    For running in development environment:

    1. bundle install.
    2. bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="development"
    3. bundle exec rake db:populate RAILS_ENV="development"
    4. rails s -e development

    For running the test cases using Rspec:

    1. bundle install.
    2. bundle exec rake db:migrate
    3. bundle exec rake db:populate
    4. bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

Extra Credit Details: We have implemented the Rspec test cases. Please find the in the spec folder.