Home > locationmapr


Locationmapr is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

A simple web app for viewing your iPhone location database in Google Maps


Just a quick webapp to view your iPhone "consolidated.db" location database in Google Maps by date range. You'll need to locate your consolidated.db and copy it to the root of the app. Red indicates a "HorizontalAccuracy" of <= 500, while blue is > 500.

1. install

git clone git://github.com/drtoast/locationmapr.git
rvm use ruby-1.9.2-p180

2. copy consolidated.db from iphone backup to locationmapr root

see http://petewarden.github.com/iPhoneTracker/

3. run webapp

cd locationmapr
ruby app.rb

4. view map and select a date range
