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Custom Recommended Items

This repo contains all the files for my custom recommended items list for champions in League of Legends.

Full details and explanation can be found in this thread on the League of Legends forums.

Item List

3001 - Abyssal Scepter
3105 - Aegis of the Legion
1052 - Amplifying Tome
3003 - Archangel's Staff
3005 - Atma's Impaler
3093 - Avarice Blade
1038 - B.F Sword
3102 - Banshee's Veil
3006 - Beserker's Greaves
3144 - Bilgewater Cutlass
1026 - Blasting Wand
3117 - Boots of Mobility
1001 - Boots of speed
3009 - Boots of Swiftness
1051 - Brawler's Gloves
3010 - Catalyst the Protector
1031 - Chain Vest
3028 - Chalice of Harmony
3172 - Cloak and Dagger
1018 - Cloak of Agility
1029 - Cloth Armor
1042 - Dagger
3128 - Deathfire Grasp
1055 - Doran's Blade
1056 - Doran's Ring
1054 - Doran's Shield
3173 - Eleis'a Miracle
2038 - Elixer of Agility
2039 - Elixer of Brilliance
2037 - Elixer of Fortitude
3097 - Emlem of Valor
3123 - Executioner's Calling
1004 - Faerie Charm
3108 - Fiendish Codex
3109 - Force of Nature
3110 - Frozen Heart
3022 - Frozen Mallet
1011 - Giant's Belt
3024 - Glacial Shroud
3026 - Guardian Angel
3124 - Guinsoo's Rageblade
3136 - Haunting Guise
2003 - Health Potion
3132 - Heart of Gold
3155 - Hexdrinker
3146 - Hextech Gunblade
3145 - Hextech Revolver
3031 - Infinity Edge
3158 - Ionian Boots of Lucidity
3098 - Kage's Lucky Pick
3067 - Kindlegem
3035 - Last Whisper
3138 - Leviathan
3100 - Lich Bane
1036 - Long Sword
3126 - Madred's Bloodrazor
3106 - Madred's Razors
3114 - Malady
3037 - Mana Manipulator
2004 - Mana Potion
3004 - Manamune
3041 - Mejai's Soulstealer
1005 - Meki Pendant
3111 - Mercury's Treads
3170 - Moonflair Spellblade
3165 - Morello's Evil Tome
3115 - Nashor's Tooth
1058 - Needlessly Large Rod
1057 - Negatron Cloak
3047 - Ninja Tabi
1033 - Null-Magic Mantle
2042 - Oracle's Elixir
3044 - Phage
3046 - Phantom Dancer
3096 - Philosopher's Stone
1037 - Pickaxe
3140 - QuickSilver Sash
3089 - Rabadon's Deathcap
3143 - Randuin's Omen
1043 - Recurve Bow
1007 - Regrowth Pendant
1006 - Rejuvination Bead
3027 - Rod of Ages
1028 - Ruby Crystal
3116 - Rylai's Crystal Scepter
1027 - Sapphire Crystal
3057 - Sheen
3069 - Shurelya's Reverie
2044 - Sight Ward
3020 - Sorcerer's Soes
3099 - Soul Shroud
3065 - Spirit Visage
3050 - Stark's Fervor
3101 - Stinger
3068 - Sunfire Cape
3131 - Sword of the Divine
3141 - Sword of the Occult
3070 - Tear of the Goddess
3071 - The Black Cleaver
3072 - The Bloodthirster
3134 - The Brutalizer
3075 - Thornmail
3077 - Tiamat
3078 - Trinity Force
1053 - Vampiric Scepter
2043 - Vision Ward
3135 - Void Staff
3082 - Warden's Mail
3083 - Warmog's Armor
3152 - Will of the Ancients
3091 - Wit's End
3154 - Wriggle's Lantern
3142 - Youmuu's Ghostblade
3086 - Zeal
3157 - Zhonya's Hourglass