Home > london_class_march_2011_json_comet


London_class_march_2011_json_comet is a project mainly written in Scala, it's free.

This is one of the projects used at @dpp's Lift course held at Skillsmatter, London, March 2011.

The code is the state of the code at the end of the class, and as such probably isn't going to make a lot of sense but might contain something someone can find useful.

From my notes:

  • Demonstation of using Lift to just pass JSON messages back and forth to a JavaScript UI.
  • There's a drawMe function defined outside of Lift (in index.html) which is invoked via a scheduled ping to in the JsonOnly CometActor. The state is maintained in the MyJsonOnly session var and also in the JavaScript client via the myInfo variable.
  • Files touched: comet/JsonOnly.scala, snippet/HelloWorld.scala, index.html

Run with:

$ sbt

update jetty-run
