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Loquacious-Snake is a project mainly written in PYTHON and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

FluentSelenium implementation for Python.

This is the first version of the Loquacious-Snake for Python.

The work done here is heavily inspired by the SUTA project for PHP http://github.com/xto/SUTA and the original FluentSelenium project for C# available here : http://fluentselenium.codeplex.com/.

The intent is on making end-to-end testing or acceptance testing as easy as possible to read and write for developers and people with basic programming skills. This is done to facilitate the integration of testers and Product Owners in the work done by developers in order to allow them to be able write the tests together and have an artifact that everybody can understand and discuss upon.

Example : First, lest's take this fictitious user story

As a User I want to be able to consult my account In order to see my current invoice.

Conditions Of Succes: The page is available only for registered users. The page is accessible through the /myAccount URL The Page displays the current invoice total

You can thus break down the steps like this : Users goes to /myAccount User Should see current invoice total

Using Fluent Selenium for Python, the previous steps would be written like this :

context = SharedSeleniumExecutionContext( Config.SELENIUM_HOST, Config.SELENIUM_PORT, Config.BROWSER, Config.DOMAIN) user = SeleniumDrivenUser(context)


It also integrates perfectly with Lettuce(http://github.com/gabrielfalcao/lettuce)