Home > Lotka-Volterra-Visualizer


Lotka-Volterra-Visualizer is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

Real-time interactive graphs of the phase plane and population vs. time

// --------Lotka-Volterra Visualizer------- //

author: Nathan Crock
date: 12/20/2010 16:01:30
website: http://mathnathan.com

You'll need OpenGL, glut, and OpenCV 2.1


Lotka-Volterra-Visualizer main.cpp - This is where the guts of the program are
        util.h - Some headers and declarations for OpenGL
        util.cpp - Definition of the createVBO function
        texMapping.h - Declaration of texture mapping OpenGL functions
        |              and openCV functions. There are also some silly
        |              constants in there, I needed these for scaling my
        |              clicks onto the graphs. They're ratios for scaling
        |              the pixels to be between (0,5)
        texMapping.cpp - Definitions, the drawCvObjects function could
        |                probably use some tweaking...
        FindGLEW.cmake - CMakeLists.txt calls this to find the appropriate headers
        CMakeLists.txt - Does all the building for us. You may need to tweak where
        |                CMake looks for the dependencies.
        data - 
        |    |
        |    LVvectorField.png - Background for the OpenGL display
        |    |
        |    PvsT2.png - Background for the OpenCV display
        build - Where the program is built


Once you've downloaded both the backgrounds and put them in the data folder, all you do is make a build directory and call cmake

mkdir build cd build cmake ..

This calls CMakeLists.txt from the previous directory and builds the binary files into the build folder.

// ---------------------- TO DO ------------------------------//

  • I learned OpenGL for this program, so it's a little buggy and certainly not very clean.

  • There are a bunch of constants I had to experimentally derive to scale the mouse clicks to the appropriate dimensions for both windows. I'm sure there is a better way to go about doing it.

  • This could have eaily been written only in OpenCV, but then I wouldn't have had the excuse to learn OpenGL! =]


To my good friend and programming mentor Ian Johnson. http://enja.org