Home > LoveUpdate


LoveUpdate is a project mainly written in Lua, it's free.

LoveUpdate is a tool for easily deploying the latest version of your LÖVE game, all the time, on all platforms.

h1. LoveUpdate

LoveUpdate is a tool for easily deploying the latest version of your LÖVE game, all the time, on all platforms. Deploy updates in a flash and your users will automatically receive the latest content to their computer.

LÖVE just got lovelier.

h2. License

All code is licensed under the Public Domain and may be used, modified, distributed and used as a reference without restrictions.

h2. Notes

There are some restriction on your game if you want to use this tool:

  • You must host your game on GitHub.
  • You must use the UaLove back-end.

If you dislike these restrictions, you're free to create and distribute your own version of the tool.

h2. How to Use

"Download a zipball":http://github.com/TheLinx/LoveUpdate/zipball/master of the project.

Unzip the files somewhere.

Rename updconf.example.lua to updconf.lua and open it in a text editor.

Change the variables contained within to reflect your game (e.g. name = "TheLinx", repo = "LoveSpin")

In your repo, create a branch called "upd", and create manifests so it looks something like "this":http://github.com/TheLinx/LoveSpin/tree/upd

Zip up the directory. Make sure main.lua is in the top-level directory.

Rename the .zip to .love and distribute the .love file instead of a .love of your game.

Have fun!

h2. Q&A

Q: My game isn't in 800x600! What do I do? A: Set your display settings in the "initial" hook using love.graphics.setMode.
