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SQueLCH is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Structured Query Language CLASS Handler


SQueLCH is the Structured Query Language CLASS Handler - a PHP class designed to act as an interpreter when working with SQL Databases.


SQueLCH originally came into being as an adaptation of Justin Vincent's ezSQL package. The ezSQL package allowed a single "core" CLASS to be extended to interact with a number of SQL engines.

The modifications performed to those original files started with rolling all of the extensions into the core, to create a Universal Handler. After that change was made, further modifications were made, extending the caching functionality, reporting systems, and other aspects of the CLASS.

The SQueLCH system, as it exists today, is quite different from where it began as a separate fork, but the work of Justin certainly laid a great foundation, not only for this CLASS, but also for the whole suite of PHP packages which utilise ezSQL as a critical component.


For all examples, $db will be used to indicate a global variable, holding the SQueLCH object


The SQueLCH CLASS can be initiated in a number of fashions.

new SQueLCH( string *$dbType* , string *$dbUser* , string *$dbPass* , string *$dbBase* [, string *$dbHost = 'localhost'* [, int *$dbPort* ] ] ); new SQueLCH( string *$dbType* , array *$dbParams* );

  • $dbType - The Database Type. ( 'mssql' , 'mysql' , 'oracle' , 'pdo' , 'postgresql' , 'sqlite' )
  • $dbUser - The Database Username.
  • $dbPass - The Database Password.
  • $dbBass - The Database Name.
  • $dbHost - The Hostname or IP Address for the Database Host.
  • $dbPort - The Port (if non-standard) on the Database Host.


Connecting to a MySQL Database, called "myDatabase", running on the localhost, with Username "Username" and Password "SecretPa55word".

$db = new SQueLCH( 'mysql' , 'Username' , 'SecretPa55word' , 'myDatabase' );

Interaction - Basic Query (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE)

For simple interactions, where no tuples need be returned.

$db->query( string *$query* [, bool $ignoreCache = false] );


Inserting a simple tuple into table "ExampleTable".

$db->query( "INSERT INTOExampleTable(fieldOne) VALUES ( 1 )" );