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Lx-stc is a project mainly written in C and MAKEFILE, it's free.

Simple Tetris Clone game for hacked Didjs/Explorers

This is a lightly modified version of STC ("simple tetris clone") v0.3 from http://code.google.com/p/simple-tetris-clone/ and available under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Its only dependency is libSDL.

To build, set your CROSS_COMPILE environment variable (ex: "arm-linux-") and ROOTFS_PATH variable (which should point to the rootfs directory tree where your libSDL headers can be found), then type "make".

To "install", copy ./sdl-stc to /usr/bin on your device and copy the .bmp files in ./bin/sdl to /usr/share on your device.

The changes are:

  • adjust for 320x240 screen (and therefore make the grid less tall)
  • move the "next piece" up a bit
  • change the default controls to match the buttons that we have
  • change some file paths around

The "statistics" graphics don't really fit in a 320x240 screen but they're left alone, they simply won't render.


  • arrows move the piece around, the up arrow rotates it clockwise
  • A toggles whether the next piece is shown
  • right shoulder toggles whether the "ghost piece" is shown
  • left shoulder restarts the game
  • the pause button toggles the pause state
  • the home button exits the game