Home > lxc-scripts


Lxc-scripts is a project mainly written in Shell, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

Extra scripts for managing LXC containers

Scripts developed by Nelson Pascoal - work started on 8 August 2011

These scripts have been tested on the following platforms: lxc 0.7.4 and Ubuntu 11.04

Testing on new platforms to be done as and when required. If you have tested these scripts, please let us know and contribute your feedback.

Configuration files for containers are assumed to be located in /etc/lxc/.conf, where is the name of the container. It is important for the correct functioning of this script that the config file for the container matches the container name. eg. container test has config file /etc/lxc/test.conf - consequently you would start the container with the following command: "lxc-start -f /etc/lxc/test.conf -n test". The script uses this name matching to correctly identify the PID for the container init process and send the shutdown signal to the correct place.

**** lxc-graceful ** gracefully shut down a container by issuing an init 0 - done via -SIGPWR signal.

In order to use the script, make sure the following lines are appended to the /etc/inittab file of your container: p0::powerfail:/sbin/init 0

Script usage: lxc-graceful

where is the container name commonly used in combination with --name or -n commands in standard lxc scripts.

**** lxc-config ** original script from http://lxc.sourceforge.net/index.php/about/kernel-namespaces/network/configuration/

configure required dev setup for a new container environment - typically for environments created using debootstrap.

Script usage: cd lxc-config

where is the root filesystem for the container.

############################################################################## More scripts will be added when and if required.
