Home > lxTrace


LxTrace is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

lxTrace provides vim-script developers with a simple traceing utility.

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1126

FILE: vim_lxtrace.vim AUTHOR: Staale Flock, Staale -- lexholm .. no VERSION: 0.1 LASTMODIFIED: 10 Nov 2004

PURPOSE: To provide vim scripts with a simple tracing utility.

WHY: I have been working on some vim-scripts and read a lot of them the last two weeks and I thought I needed a Tracing utility to ease analysis of how some scripts works.

REQUIREMENT: None (tested with vim/gvim 6.3 on a debian system), this script should work as a standalone plugin. But I'm primarly using it with the winmanager plugin (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=95 ) and as such most of my testing is done with this plugin integrated in the winmanager workspace.

INSTALLATION: Place this file in your plugin directory (~/.vim/plugin/)

    When you start vim again and open a vim file for editing you should
    get a message that lxTrace has installed it's documentation.
    To get you started you could try :h lxTrace

    If you have installed winmanager you should add LxTrace to the
    g:winManagerWindowLayout in your vimrc file. My line looks like
        let g:winManagerWindowLayout = 'FileExplorer,TagList|BufExplorer,LxTrace'

TIPS: Documentation (when written..:o) is found at the bottom of this file. Thanks to code from vimspell.vim it should be self-installing the first time this module is loaded. When installed you could try :help lxTrace

NOTE: 10 Nov 2004 (v 0.1) This is my initial upload. The module probably misses functionality and has undetected bugs. So feel free to suggest improvements.

Best Regards Staale Flock, (staale -- lexholm .. no) Norway
