Home > Madeo-USB-watcher


Madeo-USB-watcher is a project mainly written in Python, based on the LGPL-2.1 license.

Watches for USB drives and imports all data from them


1. on Dbus signal DeviceAdded from UDisks get the object path

2. use mount/UDisks to find out where device is mounted

3. mkdir marssa

4. on fail assume dir exists

5. on success create marrsa/TV marssa/Films marssa/Other_Video marssa/Music-Exit

6. check disk space is sufficient. Warn on low disk space

7. copy file one by one all supported files from marssa/* (checking that a file with the same name does not allready exist) to a temporary location

8. on copy check md5sum of both files

9. on success move from temporary location to real location

10. if signal DeviceRemoved(Object Path) signal is received abort all

operations and files in temp location
