Home > Madlib-Generator


Madlib-Generator is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Simple customizable madlib game

Program: Madlib Generator Author: Enrique Gavidia E-mail: [email protected] License: TBD Date: 2009-2010

USAGE: run the script 'madlib.py' in the command line and pass it a madlib file; ex: $ python madlib.py input_file

Madlib files can have multiple madlibs, thus each madlib must be seperated by an empty line. To denote the spaces that are to be filled-in by the players of your madlib, surround each space with curly braces ("{" and "}"), and place the type of word that is to be filled-in within the braces.
ex: I feel {Adjictive} today.

A test madlib file is included with the script for demonstration purposes.* 

* = Content from test file was taken from several different sources on the web, including a few blogs; rights to these written works are reserved by their respective creators/owners.