Home > madmimi_subscribe_form


Madmimi_subscribe_form is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

A "subscribe to newsletter" helper for rails, integrated with madmimi

= MadmimiSubscribeForm

This gem adds the helper madmimi_subscribe_form, which generates a form for subscribing to a newsletter

= Installation

Add the gem to your Gemfile

gem 'madmimi_subscribe_form'

Create a file in config/initializers with your Madmimi credentials, and the newsletter name

MadmimiSubscribeForm.config do |config| config.email = "your_email" config.api_key = "your_api_key" config.newsletter = "your_newsletter_name" end

Call the helper in your views

<%= madmimi_subscribe_form %>

= Customisation

== Locales

The following locales are already defined, but you are free to modify them:

madmimi_subscribe_form.enter_email: "Enter your email" madmimi_subscribe_form.success_message: "You have been successfully added to the newsletter"

== Form

The included form is minimalistic, but you can replace it by overwriting the partial app/views/shared/_madmimi_subscribe_form.html.erb

Basically, all you need is a POST request to /newsletter/subscribe, with an "email" param.
