Home > Magbor


Magbor is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

Realtime online multiplayer role-playing game using AJAX and a pure PHP/MySQL backend.

Magbor v0.1 revision 1 README http://magbor.sourceforge.net

=DESCRIPTION================================================================ Realtime browser-based, multiplayer RPG using AJAX for server communication.

=LICENSE==================================================================== Magbor is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

The GNU General Public License can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file.

=NOTES====================================================================== INSTALL.txt contains installation instructions TODO.txt contains features that might be in the next release LICENSE.txt contains a copy of the GPL BUGS.txt contains known bugs and issues Magbor.tws is a TextPad Workspace file. I used TextPad to develop this whole game, and I used that file to open all of the PHP and JS files at once. Feel free to ignore or delete it, it will not break anything.

=REQUIREMENTS=============================================================== Server-side: Apache is recommended, but any web server should work fine. PHP 4 or 5 (I used 5.1.2) MySQL (I used 5.0.20) Client-side: Web browser with JavaScript and CSS enabled. Tested on IE 6 and Firefox 1.5 - Firefox is recommended

=EXTRA NOTE================================================================= Because this was a personal experiment, and I wasn't initially planning on submitting it to SourceForge, the code is a mess. I'm sure you will have plenty of suggestions on how to write it better, etc. Please hold those suggestions until after the next version, when I will have it cleaned up and much more efficient. I just wanted to go ahead and get my working example out on the internet for everyone to see.

=SUPPORT==================================================================== The official Magbor support IRC channel is at irc.freenode.net:6667 #Magbor Bugs: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=171578&atid=858483 Feature Requests: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=171578&atid=858486

=CREDITS==================================================================== Thanks to the following people: -Everyone at Freenode #JavaScript for helping me sort through my various JavaScript problems -The PHPRPG project at SourceForge, for inspiring me and being the reason that I learned PHP in the first place -Fred Baptiste, for providing XString.js -dhtmlgoodies.com, for providing the color picker script -Ying Zhang, for providing session_mysql.php (a custom session handler). His excellent tutorial is located at: http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/ying20000602.php3 -My friends, for helping me test the game - especially zhawx, for finding weird bugs (and getting the idea of coloring a character green like the grass)

Copyright (c) 2006 Ricky28269